[Infographic] Digital Transformation: The Role of Digital Quotient DQ

Many of us are quite familiar with IQ and EQ. But what about DQ (Digital Quotient). In a world where technology is fast-impacting individuals’ lives and organizational operations, DQ is becoming more and more important.

Here’s everything you need to know about DQ in less than 15 mins: Raising Your Digital Quotient

Digital Quotient Infographic

What is Digital Intelligence?

  • Digital Rights
  • Digital Literacy
  • Digital Communication
  • Digital Emotional Intelligence
  • Digital Identity
  • Digital Security
  • Digital Use
  • Digital Safety

Digital Transformation starts with DQ. It is the sum of social, emotional and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to face the challenges and adapt to the demands of digital life.

“The Cyber Revolution Requires Digital Integration, not Digital Acquisition”. The key is not always about big data but smart data.

The New Generation: DQ has been identified as an impactful and effective method for improving digital citizenship by the World Economic Forum.

Digital Transformation and Omnichannel Marketing: Deficiencies exist. Only 12% of companies are able to join online and offline data and only a quarter claim to have single customer view.

According to Mckinsey & Company, an organization’s digital maturity is measured by strategy, culture, organization and capabilities.

“Digital Literacies is not just for students and educators. We all live and work in digital networks” – drkellypage

Source: DQ Institute, eConsultancy, Adobe, Insead.edu, New Straits Times, Digital Strategy Consulting