Enabler Space

What brands should prepare for the New Normal

As the Covid-19 situation in Thailand and many countries around the world has started to improve. The lock-downs are easing and offices are resuming operations whether in part or in full. We can’t ignore the fact that Covid-19 and the lockdown has changed the way we carry out our lives. Rather than the 9-5 – some offices have started alternating shift work and use conference call tools to sync up. Parents, schools and institutions have started looking at options of online learning and even virtual graduations.

Spacing during lunch hours at the restaurant, office lunch space or dining halls has changed dramatically. Some places even offer face shields or clear partitions to separate diners. All these led to the rise of the term “New Normal” which is expected to last. They say it will last even after vaccines or treatments have become publicly available. Why? Because the lock-down has proven that staying at home can sometimes be more convenient than going out. The Internet will become even more important for work and daily activities. More platforms are developing and adapting to meet the needs of the population. This could range from Socializing platforms to the Internet of things.

With these trends, brands and businesses must prepare to market and sell their products or services during the New Normal. Not only is more creativity needed to stand out – but online presence and distribution channels are becoming more and more a must rather than a “good to have”.

Safety in the New Normal

safety in the new normal


Finding Value in the New Normal



We hope the information in this article has helped spark an idea or two to help you prepare for the new normal. Although we must admit that the situation is stressful for all but we’d encourage you to look for the silver lining. Who knows – something extraordinary may surface from this entire situation in ways that we could never have imagined. Again – thanks for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list to stay updated with the latest digital trends! If you’d like to consult with us about how you can digitally transform your business, feel free to contact an Enabler

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