Many of you have probably heard the term “Content is King”. However – not all content is created equal. SEO Content creation is crucial to improve both your business’s discoverability and visibility. That being said – low quality content will not help give your website an SEO boost and in fact could get your website penalized.
To help grow your website’s organic traffic and give your business a bit of a discoverability boost – we’ve created this infographic to provide quick access to an SEO content strategy guideline.
1. Explore SEO Content Topics

For starters – we recommend to start with exploring the possibilities. Whether this is researching for current trends, questions people are asking or your target audience – researching is the first key step to developing your seo content strategy. While you’re at it – don’t forget to also use tools like Ahrefs or Google Keyword Planner to explore keywords volume and competition.
2. Prepare your Content

Once you’ve explored possible topics – it’s time to prepare to write. Explore the list of keywords you created and prepare synonyms and other versions of the same concept. It’s also worth preparing a couple of high quality reference sites – so you can show the credibility of your information.
Equally important is preparing the address for the content (aka. URL slug). Having a smart URL which contains relevant keywords will give you a bit of a running start for organic ranking. To not tumble and fall – it’s also crucial to have optimized meta properties (title, description, keywords and more).
3. Content Creation

After preparing materials for writing – it’s time to start creating. Like we’ve mentioned before – not all content is created equal – so optimization technique is key. Google’s content guideline is to ensure that you are offering something unique and of high quality.
Here are some things to keep in mind as you are creating your next piece:
– Optimize the length of the article – make sure it’s at least between 1500-1700 words
– Make sure to include media and lists to break up large chunks of texts
– Adjust the language and word choice to match that of your target audience
– Make local translation as needed
4. Review

Don’t publish your blog, video or article right away. Make sure to check that you are not stuffing too many keywords into your article. Also check to make sure that your content is not identical or duplicated with existing blogs out there.
While we’re no longer in school with instructors to nag us about our grammar and spelling – this does affect readability and SEO score. So yes – it is to your advantage to double check spelling and grammar before publishing your content.
5. Measure

The next step once you’ve published your work on your website is to measure results. With tools like Search Console and various analytics tools – you can monitor for traffic, conversion, engagement and ranking over time. Another key aspect to keep in check is the amount of people referring to your site as a reference source – as this is a good indication both for yourself and search engines that your website is gaining traction and valued among search engines.
Now repeat steps 1 through 5 and you’re on your way to building a high quality website with meaningful content. Keep this guideline handy and give your search ranking a boost. For more strategies and optimization techniques – please don’t hesitate to leave us a question or get in touch!