The difference between business and system analysis is sometimes unclear. Depending on the business or the company, it can be big or small. Let’s try to break it down a little.
Business and system analysis are both important parts of any organization. But, there can be a difference between the skills required for both, though there can also be some overlap. The job title, analyst for both, is not the only characteristic that separates them.
What are Business and System Analysis?
Business analysis generally deals with business process work and sometimes they are involved with strategy and business requirements. System analysis is usually more involved in design and testing and focuses more on how the technological solution works and interfaces with other systems. Now, business and system analysis are both vital to any business, so we’re just here to differentiate them a little. Let’s start with the duties of those working both.

Business Analysis Duties
The main thing here is finding opportunities to enhance business operation. This also involves making recommendations about technology that can solve problems that hinder output, productivity, and essentially the bottom line.
Business analysis also includes:
- Making assessments of business practices to see where things can be improved.
- Recommending ways to use existing technology, or introducing new technology, for improvements.
- Liaising. That’s it? Wait, there’s more. This has to be between end-user teams, IT, management, and the shareholders! Tough, isn’t it?
- And it also involves managing the requirements that the shareholders might have.

System Analysis Duties
The main thing here is the relation to technology. Making use of IT systems to help the organization achieve its business goals. This could include the design and development of new systems by configuring new hardware and software or making use of existing systems.
System analysis also includes:
- Determining system requirements through discussions with management and users.
- Identifying the inputs and outputs necessary to meet user needs.
- Ensuring that developed solutions are first of all effective, then cost-efficient, and of course financially viable.
- It also involves working together with programmers to create diagrams, flowcharts, and specifications for their use.
- And finally, to ensure system performance, system analysis involves the application of the developed system, coordination of tests, and its observation.

Which is greater?
Of course, sometimes comparisons are inevitable, but when it comes to business and system analysis both are needed for good business. The systems analyst may need to consult the business analyst to find out what is needed to make the technology work effectively. At the same time, the business analyst needs the systems analyst to make the technology work effectively. See how close their relation is? Both forms of analysis are vital to help a company succeed. Sometimes, companies can get both out of one person, sometimes they need two different people to fill the roles. In order to be more efficient, some businesses need a team for each. It really depends on the requirements of the business.
Finally, it goes without saying that we’re all in this together. Also, if you’d like to find out more about Business and System Analysis and how it could benefit your business, please feel free to contact us via our Facebook page or through our website.